Reverberation is the persistence of sound. Reverb continues until the echo is absorbed into all the space around it.

Absorb. Be an echo of love wherever you go.

Reverb is a term used in sound theory and music primarily. It creates what we commonly understand as echo. We use the term instead of sermon or homily because of how we want it to work on us and in us. In many church communities the sermon is the central part of the liturgy, much like the hit song during the concert. The way we approach liturgy, the sermon is a part of a building story where we are transformed by the entirety of the liturgy, culminating at the Table where we become, again and again, the embodiment of Christ through the Bread and Wine. After the Reverb in the liturgy, we intentionally create Open Space to allow the echos to settle into our bodies, hearts, and minds, so when you listen here take some space afterward to journal, light a candle, or take a walk. This isn’t about consumption, it’s about transformation.

Live Creatively friends!