Meet the Bishop’s Committee!

(aka our West Central Abbey Board!)

Tim Martin, Sr. Co-Chair

Tim Martin is a videographer, photographer, musician, avid board gamer and stay-at-home dad. He is passionate about telling stories, and loves being part of the stories happening at the Abbey. He is serving his second year on the Abbey board as Sr. Co-Chair.

"It's a place where I can show up just as I am, where I can bring my creativity, my questions, my doubts, my quirks...and it's all welcomed and celebrated."

Candace Williams, Jr. Co-Chair

Howdy Hey I’m Candace! I am serving as the junior co-chair of the bishop’s committee this year! Honestly, I love trying new things and my main prayer is always to be somebody for somebody and I would be content if my life’s work amounted to that. So, I guess I just wanted to serve a community that challenged my perspective of Jesus/God to expand and brought me to a new spacious place and way of loving. The main things I want you to remember about me are that I’m a Laker fan specifically Kobe era, I love Justin Bieber, I’m a musician, but technically, I make a living being a campus minister at Gonzaga which is rad! If you ask me, I’m living the dream :) 

“I like the abbey, because it makes me less afraid of the unknowns and for the first time I feel like I’ve glimpsed what it’s like to be free in Christ even if the feeling is sometimes fleeting, I don’t worry I know it’ll come around again and give me fresh and new hope. I just know I’m alive and maybe for the first time.”

Ashley Chak, Communications Administrator & Music Program Coordinator

Ashley Chak is a native of the Cheney area. She is an artist and small business owner of Speak to Me in Color Painting - she does freehand face and arm painting as well as paint and sip style classes for markets, community and private events. Ashley loves reading, singing, thrifting, being outside, and going to comedy shows. She also homeschools her three children.She and her family have been a part of Creators’ Table since Spring of 2021. This is her second year serving on the Abbey Bishop’s Committee.

"I love being a part of this community. I feel passionately about making what we do here at the Abbey accessible to anyone who wants to be a part of it."

Mary Dombrowski, Leadership Development

Mary is an advocate and organizer who is passionate about equity, food justice, and community resiliency. She lives in the West Central neighborhood where she enjoys gardening, taking walks by the river, and visiting neighborhood haunts. She spends most of her time thinking about how she should be working on her novel. Mary has been attending Creator's Table since 2018 and is honored to be serving her second term on the Bishop's Committee.

“I am excited to dive into the community's ideas for cultivating justice, joy, compassion, and peace in our neighborhood.”

Olivia Cope, Treasurer

Olivia works as a college biology professor, and in her free time likes to bike, do crafts, and generally be outdoors. She also shares her musical abilities with our Abbey community by playing the banjo in liturgical services from time to time!

“I am the Abbey's new treasurer, and am excited to use my love of spreadsheets to support all of the great things we do!”

Tracy Hare, Congregational Care

I’m Tracy Hare, a wife, mom of 3, and dietitian. I love food, hiking, decaf oat milk lattes, and a good bargain. You can usually find me packing our schedule a bit too full for the sake of being with people and/or running 5 minutes late :) 

“I found the Abbey in the summer of 2022 after years of watching the faith as I’d always known unravel. I love the way those at the Abbey seek every opportunity to love and include others well, including through radical involvement in the community. I hope I can serve others by using my passion for connecting & helping people!”

Aimee Brooks, Maintenance & Grounds

Aimee Brooks (she/her) is a Texas transplant who moved to Spokane to get her master's and found the Abbey along the way. She is a co-leader of the maintenance team along with her husband, Justus. Over the past few years, she has become passionate about cultivating physical spaces and fixing what is broken. She enjoys writing fiction about the crossroads of environmentalism, faith, and art, hiking, riding her bike, and spending time with the people and pets that she loves. 

“The abbey has been a safe space for me to grow surrounded by people who hold dearly the values of justice, joy, compassion, and peace. The relationships I've built here allow me to see God more fully. It's an honor to serve on the Bishop's Committee and contribute to the health and safety of the building and grounds.”

Justus Brozek, Maintenance & Grounds

Justus Brozek grew up in small town West Texas. He comes from a variety of faith experiences having experiences with the Baptist, Catholic, and Charismatic churches. He has an MFA in printmaking from Texas Tech and is passionate about making art that reflects on the cultural and societal context in which he exists. He is particularly interested in the Christian church’s interactions and relation to culture. He moved to Spokane to support his wife Aimee in her pursuit of an MFA in Creative Writing. He has worked many summers as a groundskeeper. He isn’t the most proficient handyman, but he does have the good sense to fight his youthful male ego and call someone before making a bad situation worse! He loves the West Central community whether it be the variety of people or pets that exist in the neighborhood! Dogs, cats, pigs, and ducks walking through West Central is like walking through a petting zoo.

“I chose to attend the Abbey because of the way it represents Jesus’s heart for the marginalized and stigmatized!”