Join Us for Liturgy
Sundays @ 4

1832 W. Dean Avenue, Spokane, WA 99201


Our Sunday liturgies are both experimental and traditional:

take what you like and ponder the rest.

We gather every Sunday at 4 pm for a full, rowdy Eucharist; we also have a quieter, more contemplative Compline prayer service on first Sundays only at 7 pm.

Our worshiping community, called Creators’ Table, gathers in a 100-year old gothic chapel. Under the leadership of Rev. Katy Shedlock and Rev. Jonathan Myers, Creators' Table seeks to make meaning of God's stories, make beautiful our lives, and make sacred our world. 

We celebrate with secular & sacred music, spoken word poetry, Moth-style storytelling, multi-sensory prayer stations, dramas, live art, meditation, and Holy Communion. We welcome all at the table and invite everyone to live creatively. One of the ways to get a sense of our community is to listen to our sermons, which we lovingly call a ‘reverb’ after one of our sibling communities, Church of the Apostles, Seattle, WA.

Questions you might have include:

How long is the liturgy? Our 4 pm Eucharist runs about 75 minutes; our 7 pm Compline runs about 50 minutes.

Are kids welcome? Of course! At our 4 pm liturgy we offer Godly Play, games, and crafts in a separate room for the first 45 minutes of the liturgy; kids then rejoin their parents for Eucharist. Kids are welcome at our 7 pm compline liturgy too, we just don’t have anything especially designed for them.

Do you have Holy Communion/Eucharist? Yes! We share in the sacrament every Sunday at our 4 pm liturgy, and we offer both wine and juice and regular and gluten-free bread. The table is open to everyone. It is a gift, not a requirement, and if you choose not to receive, that’s totally ok. Our 7 pm Compline liturgy is not a Eucharist.

What’s the music like? At our 4 pm Eucharist, we sing a funky mix of old hymns, Civil rights protest music, and totally secular (AKA “non-church” ) music. We believe God is present in all things, and everyone loves to sing a song they really know. At our 7 pm Compline liturgy, we offer chill ambient music, chanting, Taize music, and deep silence.

Can I just chill out in the back and be there without the pressure to participate? Totally! Visiting a worship service is a super hard and brave thing to do. If you tell us what your needs are, we’ll always do our best to honor them.